Saturday, May 24, 2008

"No Time"

It has been a little while since I have posted anything, and a familiar voice by the Guess Who comes to mind: "No Time"! "I've got, got, got, got, got no time!"

It really is not as bad as it sounds. I certainly have time I have just not adjusted my events and activities enough to allow for posting!

Now that the introduction is over I wanted to jump right in with what I would like to call a reminder of the priorities! These are the things that I know that I should be meditating on, thinking about, and putting into practice...but for some reason or another (time) have gotten distracted! Let's face it, it happens to most of us most of the time. The trick is to recognize its presence and then reorient or re prioritize our priorities!

I want to point out some life lessons I recently read from Ron Luce's "The Power of One" devotional...stand counted...make a difference! How many of us have at the center of our being the desire to make a difference? some of us even go to great strides just to make a difference by being different!

With that in mind i have to wonder if our focus gets out of place at times? I mean are we really supposed to be different in order to make a difference? I would answer the rhetorical questions: "not if we are being different for the sake of being different!".

I am reminded of the words of Jesus who, just before he catches the "heavenly escalator" ascends into the clouds, leaves us with this message: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.”

Peterson, Eugene H.: The Message : The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs, Colo. : NavPress, 2003, S. Mt 28:18-20

ight from the start three concepts stick out to me: 1) we are to go out and train. 2) we are to distinguish or (mark out) Christ followers through their baptism. 3) we are to instruct them in the ways of Jesus!

I read a quot today by Mark Batterson in his book "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snow Day", it said How you think about God will determine who you become.

We have many opportunities in life...with each opportunity we have a choice to accept the challenges associated with those opportunities. I want to challenge you to think about the opportunities that God has placed before you, and calculate the risk of taking the challenge to become a world stand make a difference! Our decisions will define who we become; and they stem from how we think about God!

One final thing that jumped out to me from Jesus last words on earth: "I am with you always"! He knew there would be challenges...but He is there in the midst!

Monday, May 12, 2008

"That should be simple enough!"

Have you ever felt that it would have been better off if you decided to stay in bed?  Cozy, warm, could just sleep all day!  That is exactly how i felt this morning...I just wanted to stay in bed!  But, for responsibilities sake I decided (against my better) judgment that I should get up.

Thus began the long, headache ridden day that will just not end.

Instead of going in to all the things that should have worked better or turned out different I will just highlight those events that could be considered funny...

so there i am...i have one task (actually i have like 100) but anyway there i am ready to end the conversation i was having on the phone and check out job opportunities at the job service center (this is something that I have been trying to do for about 5 days now).  But without realizing what I am doing I begin to take a shortcut to church (the opposite direction of job center!)  Funny thing is...I didn't even realize that I did not want to go where I was going!  So about 15 minutes later I arrive at the church to begin a few of the 100 things that I have to do.  First i needed to hook up my wireless keyboard and mouse!  Simple enough; just grab some batteries (which i am grateful i remembered to do before I left the house) inset them in their respective places and plug in the wireless transmitter to my computer!  30 minutes later the mouse is broken and I am ready to scrap the whole idea of me using my old wireless keyboard and mouse...just to avoid the frustration I would rather spend $50-$70 just to make it easier! 

"Okay so maybe I'm not supposed to use the mouse and keyboard!" On to the next a music video from the Internet (should be simple enough); all I have to do is search for it and download it!  "Found it", now I need to download it!  "What do you mean I need a wm plug-in; I have a Mac I should be able to do anything!"  I said to myself; "okay install the plug-in and download the video....should be simple enough!"  Fortunately the Internet connection was just fast enough to allow me to live two life times...right there in the church office!  Needless to say I quit the download and decided to finish the work at home...only one more stop..."I need to get gas for the weed-eater while I'm out; should be simple enough!"

Went the opposite direction of the gas station, turned around after finally realizing there was not gas the way i was stuck in rush-hour traffic of Oakland, MD (okay so it wasn't too bad but nevertheless frustrating)! "Finally, the gas station!" I pull in and low and behold I see cute little bags on every pump handle informing me that the pumps are out of order!  Not a big deal I will just go to the other station 3 minutes away!  Ironically, every pump is taken and the only one left (that I just happened to get to first was broken)! 


So that was my day! I hope yours was better!  Hopefully this one will end soon and I can start fresh tomorrow! 
