Sunday, April 26, 2009

We made it!

We are finally here...we got here early but then could not find the hotel but finally we got everything taken care of! We ate at tgi fridays! Yum. And then made our way to the chapel and r waiting for the service to start at 7:30!

Im hoping we have an incredible time!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

We Made it Home!

We finally made it back home: safe and sound; no scratches, bumps, bruises, or broken noses (which in my case is excellent!) We all had a great time and many of the students expressed their appreciation for being able to go on the trip! It was truly a fun and enriching time!

I believe that God "REVEAL"ed Himself to our students in unique and powerful ways; and am praying and hoping that our students will continue to "press-in"!

I am excited about what the future hold, not only for our church, and youth ministry but for each student that is willing and ready to hear what God has for them!


The morning part of the services and songs are over now and we just made it potomac mills mall! Hopefully we can fight our way through all the hustle and bustle to get some good food!

We still have not decided how long we will be staying...we might take a vote; but because some of the students stayed up later than they should have they were having a difficult time staying awake!

Well I am off to get my own lunch now! Pray that our students will come to know even more personally our god who has "revealed" Himself to our students!

On our way!

Well we are on our way...about an hour away! Beautiful scenery....mountain peaks and riges gradually descend into rolling hills and valleys!

We just had a rest stop to "take care of some very important business"! Next stop: depending on time we'll either eat or go to hotel and check_in!

We're up!

Its early but we are awake; ready to begin the day! It wasn't too bad getting to sleep last night at around 12:30/1:00! We had a good time and are ready for an awesome service!

Right now we are going down stairs to eat some continental breakfast; then we'll make our way over to the chapel about 7:30...service doesn't start until about 8:30 but we want to make sure we get good seats!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Great Service!

Like I said in the last post we finally made it to the chapel...and since then we have had a great time! The praise was great and the Word was great as well...just for your information and edification here are some points taken from the story of David and Goliath:

It all has to do with finding the greatness that God has placed within each one of us and living up to His potential in us!
1. be faithful in the little things!
2. face off before you rip his face off! (Step up to the plate and get rid of the sin in your life!)
3. Be will be the best you!
4. don't settle for a knockdown go for the head!

We are hoping for a great time tomorrow! After the service when we got back to our rooms we had a great discussion about life, prayer, priorities, and living up to our potential! I am looking forward to many more great conversations!
Well, we're on our way! And I can say that i'm glad todd is driving because
he has us on some road named '50' and I have no idea w

Its Almost Time...for REVEAL; Convention 2009

Well I am here at the house awaiting many of the exciting things we do today!

As I am sure you can all imagine...when you take a van full of students to a cool place the excitement tends to show its self in various ways! I am confident that we will have a great time especially since i am not the only person over 18 going! We will have Todd and Stephanie Sisler with us and we are expecting to have a great time!

Keep us in your prayers...not just safety and fund but a life-changing experience through the power and presence of God!

Signing off....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

REVEAL Convention 2009: "Here We Come"

Well, if you're not going to be on our trip to convention with us physically you can still be there via the virtual world! I will be posting updates, pictures, and happenings of our trip for everyone back home!

Obviously, we have not left yet, however; there is an excitement in the air! We are all anticipating what God can and will do in the lives of our teenagers!

We ask for your prayers, not only for a safe trip traveling and while we are there but also that God will speak to the hearts and lives of the students going...not just them but me as well! The theme for the convention is "REVEAL" and that is exactly what we pray will happen...that God will "REVEAL" Himself to each student (myself and parents included) in a personal and powerful way!

Pray that our hearts and minds will be continually renewed and transformed by the power of God and we'll leave 2009 Potomac District Convention different than how we arrived; that God will bring clarity, refreshing and renewing to our hearts and minds!
