Friday, April 24, 2009

Great Service!

Like I said in the last post we finally made it to the chapel...and since then we have had a great time! The praise was great and the Word was great as well...just for your information and edification here are some points taken from the story of David and Goliath:

It all has to do with finding the greatness that God has placed within each one of us and living up to His potential in us!
1. be faithful in the little things!
2. face off before you rip his face off! (Step up to the plate and get rid of the sin in your life!)
3. Be will be the best you!
4. don't settle for a knockdown go for the head!

We are hoping for a great time tomorrow! After the service when we got back to our rooms we had a great discussion about life, prayer, priorities, and living up to our potential! I am looking forward to many more great conversations!

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